Where here we do Website Templates, 3D Modeling, Artzz and Animation...
Here you will see a current project where Creative Progressive Progression, the software developer for this website and us Graff Artzz. Coming to an agreement, they provide this whiles i do this..

This is a trade project where they will provide future PHP compitablity and added features and us, projects like this coming soon.

Looking to hire?

If you like what you see thus far, i am available for any simple projects while space is available..

Welcome to Graff Artzz, where we are focused on Web Template, 3D modeling and animation. Some might say the name does not suit what the site represents, but looking forward you will come to see that it all make sense. While the name is in question and looking forward, the sight of an ever growing wall will be filled with Art. Thus hence the name Graff Artzz..

keeping dated with the Site will only make sense...

Now that's out the way, we are working with a Web Developer Creative Progressive Progression on creating a site uniquely suited for what we represent. I hope all will work out well and we can continue with this adventure to see where it takes us. Luckily working with this business, this services will be a trade.

A trade of a 3D intro animation...

Check back for more details..




Welcome to Graff Artzz, here you will see things displayed which represents exactly what we're about.

Graff Artzz is a Web Template, 3D Modeling, Art and Animation Site. Where Comercial representation is little and work experience has been available for some time. From Web Template design on Creative Progressive Progression and this site, Graff Artzz which was most challenging i've came across literally taking over 1 month just in design on my end not including functionality.

But nonetheless with more than normal time, we've pulled through and created something most unique i've ever seen displayed on the Internet.

Graff Artzz Web Template Design Service consist of a CSS, PHP file and maybe an Image or video, functionality coding not included.
